Valuewaste Project
Integrated urban waste valorization systems to obtain key strategic products for the European Union.
Entomo AgroIndustrial is taking part in the EU funded project VALUEWASTE. The VALUEWASTE project proposes an integrated approach in urban biowaste upcycling for the production of high-value bio- based products, developing the first complete solution to fully valorise biowaste that can be replicated across Europe.
Our role within the project will be to work on the conversion of urban bio-waste to protein via BSF.
The project started on November 2018, it will last 4 years and gathers 17 partners from 6 different countries. CETENMA (ES) – coordinator-, Innovarum (ES), Savonia University of Life Sciences (FI), CESPA Servicios Urbanos de Murcia (ES), Ayuntamiento de Murcia (ES), ITAINNOVA (ES), Unibio AS (DK), Agro Business Park (DK), UNE (ES), Nutrients Recovery Systems (BE), Ekobalans Fenix AB (SE), INDEREN (ES), GAIKER (ES), ENTOMO (ES), SEAH (FR), Kalundborg Kommune (DK) and European Biomass Industry Association (BE).
To see more details, visit project website:
Funded by: “This project was funded by EU Investigation and Innovation Program, 2020 Horizon, according to Grant Agreement nº 818312”
Category: H2020 / European Union